Cylinder Head Exchange Odoo Version 12.0

Information about the Cylinder Head Exchange instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

Odoo Customize(Debranding, My Odoo)
Quick Customize, Debrand, Reset data, Debug. Language Switcher. odoo 13,12,11,10,9 support. Easy Delete data.reset account chart. odoo debrand, odoo debranding, customize my odoo.
Track leads and close opportunities
Enterprise website builder
Organize and schedule your projects
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Invoices & Payments
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
From quotations to invoices
Sell your products online
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Centralize employee information
Track employee attendance
Sales Quotation From Product
Sales Quotation From Product
Account Financial Reports
OCA Financial Reports
Bureaucrat Helpdesk Lite
Help desk
Centralize your address book
Service Desk
Process addon for the Website Service Desk application.
Custom Fields: Core
The technical core to add new fields for Odoo documents without any special knowledge
Generic Request
Incident management and helpdesk system - logging, recording, tracking, addressing, handling and archiving issues that occur in daily routine.
Mass Product Price Update
Mass Product Price Update : Update Multiple Product's Sale Price/Cost Price with single click
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Backbone For Shipping Api Integration
ODOO-Shipping Service API Integration: PROVIDE CORE SERVICE LAYER FOR API INTEGRATION With FedEx , USPS, UPS, DHL, Australia Post, Aramex, Canada Post, Hermes etc.
Custom Fields for Opportunities
The tool to add new fields for Odoo CRM opportunities without any technical knowledge
Contact Us Form: Custom Fields
The tool to add new fields for the website contact us form
Odoo Square Payment Acquirer
Payment Acquirer: Square Implementation
Product Warehouse Quantity
Real-time calculation and display available product's quantity from all warehouses
Open PDF Reports and PDF Attachments in Browser
Open PDF Reports and PDF Attachments in Browser
Product Parts Finder
Add especially valuable for odoo ecommenrce stores selling spare parts and other components.
Sales Margin Percentage
Sales Margin Percentage in Quotation and Sales Order
Schedule employees meetings
Repair damaged products